Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Basic Computing: The Guts!

Basic computers guide part two. Power connections were omitted.

Basic Computing: The Guts!

This is part one of the basic computers guide.

How to: Make a Podcast using Blogger!

Hello, I am going to explain how to setup a Blogger page, such as this one, so that you may upload videos and use your blog as a podcasting hub.

The first thing you need to do, after making your Blogger account and getting to your blog homepage, is adjust the settings to allow Link Fields to be Yes. This allows you to place URL's in the titles. The next post will be the example of how to use the Link field in conjunction with the title to direct viewers to the content, but in the editing settings you place a title, then the link to your video's location and use the text for describing the content.

So now that you have your blogger account setup, you just need to use FeedBurner to allow RSS feeds to capture your posts and distribute them to the public. To do this, if you have a Gmail account log into Feedburner with the same ID. Otherwise, make an account, enter your URL location and check off the I'm a Podcaster box beside the URL. After that, you're done!

To host your video's, Youtube, Google Video, Vimeo, and any other alternative sites can be used.